Want to Find Competitors Google Ads Keywords? We Can Help

Many businesses invest in Google Ads to promote their products or services. With millions of searches happening on Google every day, it's a great way to reach potential customers and drive traffic to your website.

However, with so many businesses using Google Ads, it can be challenging to stand out from the competition.

One way to gain an edge over your Google Ads competitors is by finding and utilizing their Google Ads keywords or conducting Google Ads competitor analysis. By understanding what keywords they are bidding on, you can adjust your own ad strategy and potentially steal some of their targeted traffic.

In this guide, we will discuss different methods for finding your competitors' Google Ads keywords and how you can use that information to improve your own ad campaigns.

Method 1: Google Ads Auction Insights

The first method we will discuss is using Google Ads' auction insights report. This report shows you how your ad performance compares to other advertisers who are bidding on the same keywords as you.

To access this report, go to the "Keywords" tab in your Google Ads account and click on "Auction insights." From there, you can select which competitors you want to compare against and view metrics such as impression share, average position, and overlap rate.

While this report does not show you exactly what keywords your competitors are bidding on, it can give you valuable insight into your competitors Google Ads strategy and where they may be outperforming or underperforming compared to your own ads.

Method 2: Using Keyword Research Tools

A man conducting keyword research

Another way to find your competitors' Google Ads keywords is by using keyword research tools. These tools are different than the Google Ads Keyword Planner, and not only show you which keywords your competitors are bidding on, but they also provide data such as search volume, cost-per-click, and competition level.

Some popular keyword research tools for Google Ads include SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SpyFu. By entering your competitor's website or landing page into these tools, you can get a detailed list of their ad keywords and potentially discover new ones that you may not have thought of before.

Method 3: Manual Search

You can always conduct a manual search on Google to see what Google search ads your competitors are running and what keywords they are targeting. By typing in relevant search terms and looking at the sponsored results, you can get an idea of which keywords they are bidding on.

Additionally, you can also use Google's "Ad Preview and Diagnosis" tool to see how your ads show up for specific search queries compared to your competitors' ads. This can provide valuable insight into what keywords are driving traffic to your competitor's websites.

Also, you can use the Google Ads Transparency Center to perform Google Ads competitive analysis by seeing both your own Google Ads campaigns as well as your competitor ads.

Method 4: Utilizing Social Media

In addition to Google Ads, many businesses also utilize social media platforms for advertising. By following your competitors on social media and keeping an eye on their ads, you can potentially uncover new keywords or winning Google ads strategies that they are using.

Additionally, some social media platforms offer their own keyword research tools, such as Facebook's Audience Insights or Twitter's Ad Library. These tools can provide valuable information about your competitors' targeted demographics and interests.

Method 5: Analyzing Landing Pages

A landing page

Lastly, you can also analyze your competitors' landing pages to get an idea of what keywords they may be targeting in their ads. Look for common themes and phrases on their landing pages that align with the products or services they are promoting through Google Ads.

By understanding what messaging and keywords your competitors are using on their landing pages, you can improve the effectiveness of your own ad campaigns and potentially capture some of their targeted traffic.

Google Ads With Kova Team

Hiring Kova Team to Outperform Your Competitors in Google Ads

When it comes to navigating the competitive landscape of Google Ads, enlisting the expertise of Kova Team can be a game changer for your business. Our seasoned professionals are adept at conducting thorough competitor analysis and identifying high-value keywords that can elevate your ad campaigns.

With our comprehensive strategies tailored to your specific business needs, we ensure that your ads not only reach the right audience but also convert clicks into customers. The combination of data-driven insights and innovative ad techniques allows you to gain a significant edge over your rivals.

Don't let your competitors google ads campaigns take the lead. Partner with Kova Team today to unleash the full potential of your advertising efforts. We’ll craft a targeted ad strategy that positions your business for success and maximizes your ROI.

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Get in touch with us now to schedule a consultation and start paving your path to Google Ads supremacy!

Frequently Asked Find Competitors Google Ads Questions

Google Ads

What are Google Ads keywords and why are they important?

Google Ads keywords are specific words or phrases that advertisers choose to target their ads in response to user searches.

These keywords help Google understand the relevance of an ad to a search query, determining when and where the ad will appear. Selecting the right keywords is crucial for maximizing visibility and attracting qualified leads.

When users search for terms that match an advertiser's keywords, the ads can show up in the search results, increasing the likelihood of clicks and conversions.

Proper keyword selection not only enhances the performance of an ad campaign but also ensures that advertising spends are effectively utilized by targeting the right audience with relevant messages.

How can I determine which keywords my competitors are using?

There are several methods to identify the keywords your competitors are leveraging in their Google Ads campaigns.

One effective technique is employing keyword research tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SpyFu, which can provide insight into the keywords competitors are bidding on, along with metrics such as search volume and competition levels.

Additionally, Google Ads' Auction Insights report can shed light on overall ad performance against competitors, but for specific keywords, diving into keyword research tools will yield more precise results.

Conducting manual searches on Google for relevant queries and observing sponsored ads can also reveal the targeting strategies of your competitors.

What role does ad positioning play in Google Ads success?

Ad positioning is critical in Google Ads as it influences how often and where an ad is displayed in relation to its competitors.

Ads are ranked based on a combination of the bid amount and the Quality Score, which evaluates the relevance and quality of the ad text and landing page. Higher ad positioning typically leads to increased visibility and click-through rates.

Ads that appear at the top of the search results are more likely to capture attention, hence driving more traffic to the website.

It is essential to optimize both bids and ad quality to secure a favorable position, thereby enhancing the ad's effectiveness and overall campaign success.

How do I optimize my Google Ads for better performance?

Optimizing Google Ads for improved performance involves several strategic elements. First, selecting highly relevant keywords and employing negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic can greatly enhance overall efficiency.

Crafting compelling ad copy that resonates with your target audience, along with strategically designing landing pages to improve conversion rates, is also key.

Monitoring and adjusting bids based on the performance of keywords and ad placements will help maximize returns.

Utilizing A/B testing to experiment with different ad variations can provide insights into what resonates best with users, allowing for ongoing refinement and optimization of the ad campaigns.

What metrics should I track to measure the success of my Google Ads campaigns?

To effectively measure the success of Google Ads campaigns, it is important to track several key performance metrics.

These include the click-through rate (CTR), which indicates how well your ads are attracting clicks; the conversion rate, which measures the percentage of clicks that lead to a desired action such as a sale or signup; and the cost per conversion, which shows how much you are spending to achieve these conversions.

Additionally, tracking the quality score of your ads, impressions, and overall ROI will provide comprehensive insights into campaign performance. Regularly reviewing these metrics enables advertisers to make informed decisions for optimizing their strategies.

How often should I review and adjust my Google Ads strategy?

Regular review and adjustment of your Google Ads strategy are essential for maintaining optimal performance. It is generally recommended to assess your campaigns at least once a month.

During these reviews, analyze key metrics such as CTR, conversion rates, and ad spend patterns.

However, for high-volume campaigns or during critical marketing periods, more frequent reviews—such as weekly or bi-weekly—may be necessary to quickly respond to changes in market conditions or competitor activities.

Continuous monitoring ensures that your strategy remains aligned with business goals and allows for rapid iterations based on performance data, ensuring the best use of resources.


In conclusion, harnessing the power of Google Ads can significantly elevate your business's online presence and drive meaningful results.

With the right strategies in place, including keyword optimization, compelling ad copy, and performance tracking, you can position your brand for success in a competitive landscape.

Don't navigate this landscape alone—let Kova Team be your trusted partner in achieving your advertising goals.

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Contact us today to learn how we can tailor our services to meet your specific needs and help you conquer the digital marketplace!

David Kovalevich


David Kovalevich

David Kovalevich, the Founder and CEO of KOVA, is a visionary with a strong passion to transform the digital marketing landscape.